About The Minnesota Triumphs Sports Car Club


You can read the Minnesota Triumphs Bylaws in PDF format.

2024 Officers

PresidentBrandon Bakerpresident@mntriumphs.org
Vice PresidentDavid Andersonvicepresident@mntriumphs.org
TreasurerJeff Gilmertreasurer@mntriumphs.org
MembershipMike Smithmembership@mntriumphs.org
NewsletterBill Connellnewsletter@mntriumphs.org
Events CoordinatorJudy Sherwoodevents@mntriumphs.org
SecretaryRich Riemersmasecretary@mntriumphs.org
Tech SessionsFrank Webertechsessions@mntriumphs.org
Intermarque LiaisonGlen Wilsonintermarqueliaison@mntriumphs.org
RegaliaDan Boothregalia@mntriumphs.org
Past President /
HistorianBill Nelsonhistorian@mntriumphs.org
VTR LiaisonGreg Thompsonvtrliaison@mntriumphs.org
WebmasterBill Connellwebmaster@mntriumphs.org

Club E-mail Group

Minnesota Triumphs has an active Groups.io email list. When a member post a message on this group the message is automatically e-mailed to all members. It is a great way to get late-breaking news and keep in touch with club events.

Group home Page: https://mntriumphs.groups.io/g/main

Club History

A Brief History By Jim Malinski

In the year 1974 Joe Bisanz, owner of a new TR6, joined Triumph Sports Owners Association (TSOA) . TSOA sponsor, British Leyland granted Joe the TSOA Minnesota chapter status.

In 1980 a different group of Triumph owners met to organize the Minnesota-Wisconsin Triumph Club. This group was not associated with TSOA. The first newsletter of July 21, 1981 under the Title of MN-WI Triumph Club. The second newsletter of August 27, 1981 was issued under the title of Triumphs of Minnesota. The Wisconsin portion of the club name was dropped for clarity, since there were several Triumph clubs in Wisconsin. The membership list of July 1981 there were seventeen members. The original club officers were: Terry Telke, President, Dale Peterson, Vice-President, Lou Bardel, Secretary and Treasurer.

In 1983 the club was granted chapter status in the Vintage Triumph Register. The VTR is the one national club that represents all Triumphs models and years. With the clubs application for chapter status the VTR suggested a name change to “Minnesota Triumphs”. The reason given was all chapters are listed alphabetically by state in their publications. However, the Chapter certificate was issued as “Triumphs of Minnesota”.

The club enjoyed excellent growth, by 1985 there were 88 paid members. In 1987 the paid membership stood at 44. In 1989 the paid membership stood at 30. The all time low not counting the formative years. By 1993 the paid membership had recovered to 116. In the year 2000 there are 186 paid memberships.

The club activities are the usual meetings, drives, picnics, rallies and technical sessions. MN Triumphs also joins other British car clubs on intermarque events.

Beginning in 1988 the Triumph club of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois joined in an event called Quadfest. Over the past years, ten events were held. In 1998 Minnesota Triumph club hosted the Vintage Triumph Register National Convention on July 21 thru 24. The event was held at Hudson, Wisconsin. Winona, Minnesota was to be the venue, however unresolveable complications forced a change of venue. There were 233 cars in attendance. The weather in the 70’s and 80’s, sunny and no rain or fog. The convention was a complete success. All VTR requirements were met and Minnesota Triumphs enjoyed a great social and financial event.

In recent years many of our members have driven to other VTR national conventions. In conclusion may Minnesota Triumphs continue to prosper in the coming years.

Jim Malinski
Club Historian
September 27, 2000